


Physical Education and Health

Each class at the school from Prep through to Year Six, receives one half-hour lesson with the Physical Education specialist each week. These lessons vary in content from swimming in the warmer months to fundamental movement activities, ball skills associated with games and sports, cross country and fitness activities, and track and field activities.  In addition, each class also receives specialist instruction from our PE staff in the area of health.

Inter-house sport

The school is divided into four houses which provides for friendly inter-house competitions in the three sports of swimming, cross-country and athletics.  House captains take great pride in developing the friendly yet competitive atmosphere at the carnivals.  

Inter-school sport

All Year Five and Six students are encouraged to participate in the inter-school sports competitions run by the Toowoomba Primary School Sports Association. The competitions are conducted on a Friday afternoon in selected school terms.  

Children are also  given the opportunity to trial in their selected sports with the intention of making higher representative honours.  Rangeville State School has  had many students proudly represent our school at the local, regional and state, and national level.

Last reviewed 15 June 2023
Last updated 15 June 2023